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Cheatah boi

Best among super villains, god among men.

The Cheater is an absolute madman who dresses up like a flamboyant 30's mobster and tricks children into taking shortcuts and cheats in order to break the fabric of reality, As he has done himself.


He first appeared in Bibleman Vs Evil Mountain Dew from 2006 where he invented "Sneak Bombs" and had the genius plan of throwing papers on the ground. However, as The Cheater was only using 2% of his power, Bibleman and the Bible-Bois banished him to the shadow-realm, never to return.

Except in 2007 where, in The Cheater's revenge, he broke into a grade school and started converting Grayson Russell into his warped life-hacking ways by convincing him to cheat at a jeopardy knock-off. When Bibleman finds out about his evil scheme, it is already too late, as The Cheater calls Cypher the N word, killing him off permanently. This in turn emotionally scars Bibleman for life. With the Bible Adventure Team taken care of, The Cheater has only one more mission.

In the 2010 film Bibleman: The Final Solution. The Cheater gathers the bois from the feared and respected Evil Doers Club. With the help of his friends Gamer and CyberJew, they use the power of friendship, reality cheats, and their advanced training from the Iraq war to kill god himself once and for all, thus ending the Marvel Cinematic Universe.



Throwing Cards.

Bellittler (Literally just Ant-Man's power).

Bouncy House Gladiator Club.

Cheat Sheet.

Game Genie.



The Cheater is canonically the only character in Bibleman who is not a virgin.

The actor who played The Cheater (Peter Vann) was arrested for drunk driving in 2016.
The corona virus was The Cheater's idea. He did that.


"I couldn't agree with you more."

"I can deliver all of the answers WITHOUT ALL THE WORK!"

"LOOKING for someone!"

"hA! Come here BIBLEMAN! (Laughter.)"

"UUGH!.. Time to activate my BELITTLER (Laughs.)"


"Why don't you do that?"

"oOOhh. That's disappointing."

As well as all the times he laughs.